Chair: Robert Carrillo – USA


  • Gregg Marutzky – USA
  • Koko Enrile – Philippines
  • Sebastian Serra – Argentina
  • Johnny Rivera – USA
  • Herve Fleurant – USA/Africa
  • Charles Ham – Indonesia
  • Wade Cook – USA

The Benevolence committee has recently been reformed and restarted working closely with the HOPEww leadership and HOPEww disaster relief team.

We are still planning to add a few more individuals both U.S.-based and non-U.S.-based.


HOPE worldwide reconstructed the national and international protocol for disaster response. The protocol is as follows…

In the event of a disaster:

  1. Gather information from local resources
  2. Make initial assessment
    • Usually by Charles Ham or Wade Cook along with local and regional church leadership
    • Provide initial relief from our Disaster Relief Funds
    • Evaluate the need for further response
  3. Make a recommendation to the ICOC Benevolence Committee which is reviewed, discussed and one of the following actions. The ICOC Disaster Response protocol has four possible recommendations for a disaster/emergency:
    • no response (disaster does not warrant response from us or there is no HOPEww or church entity in the disaster area which hinders our ability to respond),
    • congregational response (needs can be met by a single church or HOPEww entity),
    • regional response (magnitude of the disaster requires a plea for help from multiple churches in the region),
    • global response (magnitude of the disaster requires a plea for help from all of the churches in our fellowship).
  1. Report to chairmen’s committee and get approval for the response request from our churches.
  2. Communicate the request through Disciples Today, ICOC HotNews, churches, social media, etc.

Recently the first case came before the committee involving the floods in Peru. HOPE worldwide’s Disaster Fund overseen by Charles Ham released $5000 immediately for help. The damage in Peru consist of two disciple’s homes damaged by floods and others who experienced minor damage. The committee decided that the $5000 in addition to what is raised by the emergency text to give online fund is sufficient to meet the needs.


HOPE worldwide is active at some level in 78 nations. The San Diego headquarters manages multiple programs around the world for a total budget of $15 Million. HOPE worldwide also works with the global network of individual national “HOPE worldwide’s” in over 60 countries. Total global budget with all HOPEww entities is about $30 million dollars. Some receive funds through HOPEww headquarters in San Diego while other are self-sustaining. The Global Network of “HOPEww” entities are currently 78 members in various stages of enrollment.

Our global coordinating council is comprised of representatives from Hong China, Singapore, Europe, India, Latin America, Africa and North America are currently working on finalizing the global network.

HOPE worldwide ltd directly oversees the following programs that continue to grow.

Volunteer Corps

  • HOPE Youth Corps and Singles Corps with over 700 participants in 30 sites around the world
  • Singles Corps continues to grow
  • Community Service Brigades
    • Great advances in ESL courses helping the churches
    • Launching of a new Brigade in Africa

U.S. Chapters

  • 105 chapters
  • Held 5 regional conferences with 945 in attendance


  • Continued growth in Early Childhood Development


  • Clinic making rapid growth toward sustainability and productive support of Arco Iris and outreach to the poor


  • HOPE is beginning to work with the SEA region to help oversee and take care of the employees.
  • HOPE just sent two new U.S. employees to strengthen the work
  • 2 Hospitals – Sihanouk & Sonja Kill
  • 3 Clinics – Owned and operated by Hww

Global Disaster relief

  • Active with United Nations as Consular
  • Haiti – Hurricane relief
  • Ecuador – Earthquake relief
  • Indonesia – Earthquake relief
  • Collaboration with Stop Hunger Now
  • Collaboration with U.S. Pacific
  • Nepal recovery
  • Philippines recovery
  • Ukraine Rehabilitation (with HOPEww Canada & Ukraine)
  • 250,000 people served by Hww disaster relief

HOPEww 3.0

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to all those who started and built HOPEww to be an effective global service entity over the last 20 years. As we look to the future, HOPE worldwide has gone through a material restructuring that includes an entirely new leadership team, administration, accounting, governance, development and communication team.

The financial strength of HOPE worldwide has dramatically improved and stabilized for a promising future. This is in large part due to the diligent efforts of our accounting team, administrators, development team and communications all working together. The three areas that have contributed to this change include the intensified IDG focus, donor relations, church engagement and much prayer.

  • Procurement (in kind gifts) expanded from $2.6 Million to $5.7 Million
  • International Day of Giving grew by 14% in 2016
  • Cash reserves increased dramatically

Please watch this TED Talk video that gives a great perspective on how to evaluate non-profits:

The Way We Think About Charity Is Dead Wrong by Dan Pallotta

HOPE worldwide has set a new goal as an organization to establish itself as a model of the following:

  • Compassion
  • Excellence
  • Integrity

HOPE worldwide has organized itself and all its programs under the following categories

  1. Teaching
  2. Serving
  3. Healing

HOPE worldwide has set itself to be a service organization to the community of the ICOC and to the poor and needy around the world. The following are HOPEww’s goals.

  1. A catalyst to fulfill the full ministry of Jesus, teaching, serving and healing
  2. The vehicle through which volunteers can have a meaningful, hands-on experience serving the poor
  3. To organize care for the extreme poor within churches and communities around the world
  4. Provide a source of expertise & training for effective service to the poor
  5. Establish relationships with influential leaders in communities, cities, and nations of the world!

The future goal of HOPE worldwide is the following: MOBILIZE ONE MILLION VOLUNTEERS AROUND THE WORLD TO TEACH, SERVE AND HEAL the poor and needy around the world.